Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lovely Amazons

I received "One Lovely Blog Award" this morning from The Spirit That Moves Me. This generosity is an example of the community I've found, a sisterhood I think of as Amazons, who -- according to legend -- protected their territory with bow and arrow, and removed a breast to improve their ability to pull the bow-string:
Circles and circles
of brave, extraordinary
Amazons who have
no breasts to hinder
strength of bow, arrow's quiver,
our hearts' target
the cancers threatening
to invade our home. 
As a recipient I'm asked to link to the blog that sent me the award and then to seven others that have inspired me. In turn, maybe they will post the award, then link to my blog and seven others, each time widening our circle of lovely Amazons:
  1. The Spirit that Moves Me
  2. Breast Cancer? But Doctor... I hate pink!
  3. F--- Cancer and The Horse it Rode In On: The Adventures of Baldylocks
  4. The Cancer Warrior
  5. Knock, Knock, It's Cancer!
  6. Not so Big C: A Breast Cancer Odyssey
  7. Dancing with Cancer, Living with Mets: A New Normal
  8. ChemoBabe
Here's a short TED video about a public art space created by Candy Chang where passersby could write in their wishes: "Before I die I want to..."